The core model is being reviewed by the community of nodes that make up the Health-RI ecosystem (see Feedback section). The final release of this version will be a prerequisite for resources to be included in the national catalogue (Marianne Knoop Pathuis - Baarda add link) and benefit from its offered features. How to implement this model and connect to the national catalogue is described in the onboarding documentation. The offered features of the national catalogue are defined in the Plateau 1 (Marianne Knoop Pathuis - Baarda add link to Plateau 1 doc).
To create the current core metadata schema, we examined existing metadata from the COVID-19 national portal, metadata schema provided by Health-RI nodes (e.g., ABC metadata), and standards used in portals across Europe and beyond (e.g., W3C, DCAT, DCAT-AP). Then, with assistance from metadata specialists from the hub and nodes, we began mapping their classes and properties. The mappings are detailed in the mapping table. Finally, after conceptualisation, we decided to reuse DCAT and DCAT-AP for its implementation. This version of the Core metadata schema includes DCAT v3 and some selected DCAT-AP mandatory classes and their definitions. The most important entities are those that form the core of the DCAT application profile. DCAT-AP is a DCAT application profile for the exchange of information about catalogue of datasets and description of data services in Europe. Hence, the Core metadata schema ensures compatibility with international catalogues which also use DCAT-AP.This is mainly because the DCAT application profile covers the identified requirements.
and other Resource
Within DCAT and DCAT-AP, the term "resource" generally encompasses all objects that can be described using RDF. However, there are specific categories and attributes used to indicate the different types of resources: