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Table of Contents

Purpose of this document

This document describes the classes identified in the Plateau 1 Core Metadata Schema and their respective properties, and provides usage notes to facilitate implementation. This document does not aim to describe the national catalogue and its onboarding process, nor does it include future extensions of the metadata schema (petals). Other versions and further documentation can be found at

Intended Audience

Technical audience that will implement the metadata schema, other stakeholders that want to understand the metadata schema in detail.



In order to find and reuse information scattered across different sources, the research community in the Netherlands has agreed to index its resources in a national catalogue (add link to portal documentation Marianne Knoop Pathuis - Baarda ). The national catalogue in turn aims to be indexed in international cataloguecatalogues. One of the necessary conditions to achieve this goal is a common agreement on the minimum elements needed to search, find and reuse such resources. These elements and their properties are components of the Core Metadata Schema.
