With the data now FAIRified you need to decide the conditions for researchers to get access to the data. Furthermore, you will need to decide whether they are allowed to re-share your data, use the data commercially, etc [ru_accesslevel].
Data should be shared as open as possible and as closed as necessary [H2020] – closed, to safeguard the privacy of the subjects, and open to allow the data to be reused [AofFAIR]. If data are not open access, access to the data can governed by a Data Access Committee (DAC), a formal or informal group of individuals with the responsibility of reviewing and assessing data access requests [DAC]. The access conditions are described in the data access policy [FAIRopoly].
The conditions for reuse of the data are specified in either a license or data usage agreement (DUA). A license specifies a standard set of terms and conditions under which data can be shared and reused, whereas a DUA can be customised with specific conditions [ru2ru_dua].
Access can be layered. For example, in a dataset, the metadata could be open and available for reuse under a CC0 license, but access to the data could require explicit approval – see [De Novo]. Ideally, accessibility is specified in such a way, that a machine can automatically understand the requirements and perform an appropriate action [GOFAIR2]. By requesting users to create a user account for a repository, access to a dataset can be controlled more easily.
References & Further reading
[FAIRopolyAofFAIR] FAIRopoly https://www.ejprarediseases.org/fairopoly/ [Generic] A Generic Workflow for the Data FAIRification Process: https://direct.mit.edu/dint/article/2/1-2/5647/99889998/The-A-Genericof-FAIR-WorkflowAs-forOpen-theas-Data-FAIRification
[Elixir] https://faircookbook.elixir-europe.org/content/recipes/introduction/fairification-process.html
[Elixir2] A framework for FAIRification processes: Possible-as-Closed-as
[DAC] https://faircookbookbmcmedethics.elixir-europebiomedcentral.orgcom/content/recipes/introduction/metadata-fair.html
[GOFAIR] https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/f2-data-described-rich-metadata/
[RDMkit] https://rdmkit.elixir-europe.org/machine_actionability.html
[De Novo] https://ojrd.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13023-021-02004-y
[FAIRopoly] https://www.ejprarediseases.org/fairopoly/
[GOFAIR2] https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/r1-1-metadata-released-clear-accessible-data-usage-license/
[DACH2020] https://bmcmedethicsec.biomedcentraleuropa.comeu/articlesresearch/10.1186/s12910-020-0453-z
[H2020] European Commission. Directorate-General for Research & Innovation. H2020 Programme Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020. Version 3.0. 26 July 2016.
[AofFAIR] https://direct.mit.edu/dint/article/2/1-2/47/9998/The-A-of-FAIR-As-Open-as-Possible-as-Closed-as
[ru_accesslevel] https://data.ru.nl/doc/help/helppages/best-practices/bp-selecting-dua.html?0
[ru2ru_dua] https://www.ru.nl/rdm/vm/licenses-data-use-agreements/