🧠 What is a FAIR Data Point
FAIR Data Point (FDP) refers to a standardized way of storing metadata (data about data) while adhering to the FAIR principles. By adhering to FAIR principles, data providers can ensure that their data is accessible, understandable and usable by others while respecting privacy and ethical considerations. This promotes greater transparency and accountability in data sharing efforts, fostering more equitable and responsible use of data for research, innovation and decision-making. FDP specification is based on widely accepted semantic metadata standards DCAT, which application DCAT-AP is used withing European data spaces and portals.
Here is a short video (2:05) from Fair Enough that explains what and FDP is:
In principle there are several ways for implementation of an FDP. In general, we recommend an implementation as close to the source of the data as possible to ensure that the data is accurate and updated. This would include be a local deployment of an FDP at your institute or using an existing implementation of an FDP protocol within a tool your institute uses such as Molgenis or Castor (A list of implementations can be found here).
If you have an FDP and compliant metadata (2. Metadata mapping)within your FDP, the data can be harvested by the National Catalogue. For this step, please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl .