[Jolanda Summary] To be able to reach your FAIRification goals, having a team with the right skillset is important [FAIRopoly]. The composition of the team depends on the exact goals and different skills may be necessary in different phases of the of the process [FAIRinAction].
To help you identify which expertise is required and available (or missing) in your team, we present a list of common roles and resources involved in the FAIRification process listed by expertise and by FAIR principle.
[Sander] As a FAIRification steward is essential for reaching the FAIRification goals, a full page has been dedicated to this role. See “Metroline Step: Have a FAIRification steward on board” for details on this crucial role.
Why is this step important
[Fieke] The data steward profile is often described according to three roles (policy, research and infrastructure) and eight task areas (policy & strategy; compliance; FAIR data; Services; Infrastructure; Knowledge management; network; data archiving). A single data steward can be responsible for all task areas, but tasks can also be divided among central and embedded / domain data stewards. Each task area requires different competencies. The EMBL-EBI competency hub describes activities, ksa’s (knowledge, skills & abilities) and learning objective for each rol and task area.
How to
[Sander] Would it make sense that, if we mention roles in this section in other pages, these roles are actually specified in this page’s How to? We could even create hyperlinks to this page.
How to
[Sander] As a FAIRification steward is essential for reaching the FAIRification goals, a full page has been dedicated to this role. See “Metroline Step: Have a FAIRification steward on board” for details on this crucial role.
RDMkit has a nice section about Roles in Data Management (with more details than I copied below):