Mandatory Class: Senders MUST provide information about instances of the class; Receivers MUST process information about instances of the class.
Recommended Class: Senders SHOULD provide information about instances of the class if available; Receivers MUST process information about instances of the class.
Optional Class: Senders MAY provide the information but are not obliged to do so; Receivers MUST process information about instances of the class.
Mandatory property: Senders MUST provide the information for that property; Receivers MUST process the information for that property.
Recommended property: Senders SHOULD provide the information if available; Receivers MUST process the information for that property.
Optional property: a receiver MUST be able to process the information for that property; a sender Senders MAY provide the information for that property but is are not obliged to do so; Receivers MUST process the information for that property.
Prefix | Namespace IRI | Source |
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| [DCT] |
| [FOAF] |
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| [OWL-TIME] |