All things described by RDF are called resources, and they are instances of the class dcat:Resource
. This is the class of everything. All other classes are subclasses of this class. To read more, go to https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_resource
Support and Implementation
Feedback - Git Issues
If you wish to extend the model, such as with Resource, and/or create a new concept, please open an issue in Health-RI’s GitHub repository https://github.com/Health-RI/health-ri-metadata/tree/master and provide a clear explanation for the extension. Assign the issue to either ‘brunasv’ or ‘xiaofengleo’, and we will work with you to implement the addition in the next release.
To create the current core metadata schema, we examined existing metadata from the COVID-19 national portal, metadata schema provided by Health-RI nodes (e.g., ABC metadata), and standards used in portals across Europe and beyond (e.g., W3C, DCAT, DCAT-AP). With the help of metadata specialists, we mapped their classes and properties and decided to reuse DCAT and DCAT-AP for implementation. The Core metadata schema includes DCAT v3 and selected DCAT-AP mandatory classes, ensuring compatibility with international catalogs. DCAT-AP covers the identified requirements for exchanging information about datasets and services in Europe.
For shacl files to be used in, for example, a FAIR data point, please see Latest published version