MOLGENIS offers extensive customization options and the ability to develop applications, as demonstrated by the BBMRI-ERIC project.
Using the MOLGENIS framework, the team implemented catalogue software to automatically generate tailored FAIR catalogues and web applications based on a custom-defined data model. This included creating query user interfaces, a main menu, questionnaire/survey forms, and tools for data curation.
The implementation process began with conceptualizing the data bank/data source, informed by extensive interviews and analysis. Background knowledge from previous cataloguing efforts, such as H2020 projects like LifeCycle and EUCAN-connect, was also incorporated. The results were translated into a structured data model in MOLGENIS, followed by prototyping activities to refine user interfaces.
The UMCG received contributions from the EUCAN-connect project, ensuring open-source development and promoting long-term sustainability and interoperability. Further details can be found in MOLGENIS manuals and scientific publications.
XNAT img2catalog
XNAT img2catalog is a tool that extracts metadata from XNAT instances and generates DCAT-AP 3.0 metadata. Each XNAT project is treated as a separate dataset. While this tool lacks features for updating existing datasets, it provides a means to connect your data with a FAIR Data Point. However, it's important to note that the tool currently does not fully utilize all aspects of FAIR data principles, such as updating existing datasets and setting language for fields.