📌 Introduction
Enabling your institute's local system to directly expose metadata creates the strongest connection between your original data and publicly available information. This setup means that responsibility for maintaining this metadata is kept at the source, whether handled by software or people. Achieving this requires either a system already supporting this feature or deep knowledge of the source system and the availability of software engineering capacity to extend the functionality of the system.
When considering sharing your data with the public, think about using local systems like MOLGENIS. These systems establish a direct pathway between your original data and public information, ensuring that you're in charge of managing your data within your institute.
🧠 Explanation
To facilitate this process, ensure that the systems in your institute support extensions for displaying metadata from your existing data sources. If your system lacks this capability, you canhttps://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FSD/pages/edit-v2/292519963?draftShareId=3e2fb8f1-0cba-4f12-a724-d664f2b9bf2c as an alternative.
MOLGENIS partly supports the FAIR principles, including the FAIR Data Point (FDP) extension. The FDP implementation within MOLGENIS EMX2 complies with the latest v1.1 specification of the FAIR Data Point. This means that MOLGENIS allows you to establish a connection with a FAIR Data Point. For setup and configuration instructions, please refer to the https://molgenis.github.io/molgenis-emx2/#/molgenis/dev_fairdatapoint?id=fair-data-point.
⚖️ Pros / Cons
Responsibility of maintenance lies closest to the owner(s) of the source material
Requires extension of existing tooling
Next steps
copy/link to https://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FSD/pages/279183386/3.+Exposing+metadata#%3Acheck_mark%3A--Next-steps If you have an FDP and compliant metadata (2. Metadata mapping)within your FDP, the data can be harvested by the National Catalogue. For this step, please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl .