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titlestatus: in development




Metroline Steps

Domain expert

Domain experts have deep knowledge and expertise in a particular domain. They have a deep understanding of the intricacies, challenges, and nuances of their field.

FAIRification objective

FAIR Data Steward/Data manager

Individuals responsible for managing and curating research or healthcare data within organisations or projects. Job title and exact activities and responsibilities vary between organisations. In the Metroline steps we will refer to this role as “data steward”. Details on this role in the team are described in a separate step Have a FAIR data steward on board.

EDC system specialist

Individual who has experience with and knowledge of Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems, such as Castor EDC, REDCAP or OpenClinica. They are in charge of setting up user access, data validation checks and electronic case report forms in the EDC system. They offer technical help to researchers and ensure data integrity and regulatory compliance.

Information Professionals

Librarians, archivists, and information scientists involved in organising and preserving data assets.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) / Medical Ethics Review Committee (METC)

Evaluate research protocols and ensure the research complies with regulatory requirements and ethical standards. For research to which the WMO (Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act) is applicable, evaluation must be done by an accredited METC or by the CCMO (Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects).

IT and Systems Administrators

Professionals responsible for maintaining data infrastructure(s) and ensuring technical compatibility and accessibility for an organisation or department.

Policy maker

Decision-makers responsible for research data management policies that promote FAIR data practices within an institute.

Principal Investigator

Leads a clinical trial or research project. Responsible for following the data management requirements and guidelines of the organisation and/or funder. Decisions regarding data management are documented in the DMP (data management plan).

Researcher / scientist

Professionals involved in collecting, analyzing, and sharing data as part of a clinical trial, research project or other scientific endeavors.

Research Software Engineer

A Research Software Engineer (RSE) is a professional with in-depth knowledge of one or more research fields and expertise in software development and methodology. To address research issues and find solutions within their field of study, RSEs concentrate on creating and/or maintaining research software.

Semantic data modelling specialists

A semantic data modelling specialsit is primarily responsible for designing and implementing semantic data models. These models are a representation of knowledge and concepts in a structured format that a computer can understand. They use tools like RDF, OWL and SPARQL.

Senior expert of standards for automated access protocols and privacy preservation

Has expertise with standards for protocols for secure and automated access to sensitive data while preserving privacy. They guarantee adherence to pertinent guidelines and laws, such the GDPR.

Senior healthcare interoperability expert

A healthcare interoperability expert is responsible for ensuring smooth communication and data interchange between various healthcare systems and applications, including electronic health records and medical devices. In compliance with legal requirements, they create, put into practice, and uphold interoperability standards and protocols that facilitate the safe and effective interchange of patient data.


Professionals involved in training and educating others, such as PhD students, postdocs, researchers, technicians and PIs. In case of FAIR related training this includes practices for managing and sharing data.



  • Domain expert; provides context to the FAIRification efforts from the perspective of a domain

  • Data stewards; helps defining FAIR objectives to meet the project’s, funder’s, journal’s and/or institute’s requirements

  • FAIR experts,such as metadata/semantics specialists; helps specifying the metadata/modeling aspects of FAIR objectives

  • ELSI experts, help identifying the legal compliance and ethical aspects of your FAIR objectives.

FAIR experts

It is the responsibility of a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) specialist to ensure digital assets and data follow the FAIR principles. Tasks involve developing and implementing plans to enhance data discoverability via metadata enhancement and standardised identifiers, ensuring accessibility by instituting appropriate data storage and access methods and fostering interoperability by adopting shared data standards and formats.

ELSI experts

Assessing and handling the ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications) components of research in domains like genetics and medicine falls under the purview of an ELSI specialist. They offer direction on how to handle difficult ethical dilemmas involving data sharing, privacy, informed consent, and possible societal repercussions of research findings.

Table from the dreamteam source


  • VASCERN  (European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases) describe the team used for the VASCA (Vascular Anomalies Registry) FAIRification in their De Novo paper, with a detailed description available in the paper’s supplementary material, table S1.

    •  VASCA is a demonstrator project. More information can be found on its demonstrator page on the Health-RI website.


Tools and resources on this page

Add links to training resources relevant for this step. Since the training aspect is still under development, currently many steps have “Relevant training the tools and resources mentioned on this page. This should be a list of usable content and does not include textual resources such as journal references.


Relevant training will be added in the future if available.”.


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Further reading

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