Check whether metadata regarding regarding findability, accessibility, and reusability is already available and whether this metadata is already being collected using standardized vocabularies [Generic, FAIRopoly]. What metadata should be gathered may depend on the stakeholder community [Generic].
[FAIRopoly] Identify what metadata is already being collected by your registry (e.g., provenance, creation date, file type and size, timestamp). The result of this step will support defining the metadata model of your registry. Also, check if your metadata is already being collected using standardized vocabularies.
Why is this step important
To be able to register resource level metadata you need to make sure you have/collect it.
Health-RI is in the process of defining a metadata scheme for onboarding in the Health-RI metadata portal. To allow for onboarding of a dataset, the minimal metadata set must be provided. It is therefore essential that you assess whether this minimal set is collected/available or whether additional metadata needs to be collected.
How to
[FAIRopoly] → Doesn’t really sound like “assess” though?