Class | Property | Property Label | Description/Example | ||||
dcat: | Cataloguedcat:dataset | dataset | Personalised RISk-based MAmmascreening Study (PRISMA) | Catalog | dct:description | DescriptionThis catalog describes the core metadata of Radboudumc datasets | The primary aim of the PRISMA study is to investigate the potential value of risk-tailored versus traditional breast cancer screening protocols in the Netherlands. Data collection took place between 2014-2019, resulting in ∼67,000 mammograms, ∼38,000 surveys, ∼10,000 blood samples and ∼600 saliva samples. |
dct:publisher | Publisher | https://ror.org/05wg1m734 foaf:Agent | |||||
dct:title | TitleRadboudumc Core Metadata | Personalised RISk-based MAmmascreening Study (PRISMA) | |||||
dcat:Dataset | dcat:contactPoint | Contact Point | foafvcard:agentKind | ||||
dct:creator | Creator name | foaf:agentAgent | |||||
dct: description | Description | The primary aim of the PRISMA study was to investigate the potential value of risk-tailored versus traditional breast cancer screening protocols in the Netherlands. Data collection took place between 2014-2019, resulting in ∼67,000 mammograms, ∼38,000 surveys, ∼10,000 blood samples and ∼600 saliva samplesextensive questionnaire covers a number of potential breast cancer risk predictors such as demographics, personal characteristics, reproductive characteristics, medication, lifestyle, health status, family history, psychosocial characteristics. | |||||
dct:issued | Release date | 2024-0107-15T0002T10:0049:0007 | |||||
dct: identifier | Identifier | https://fdp.radboudumc.nl/dataset/8793226e37d6ad17-9a7caa35-4e8c425c-9cef946e-fce41ef0b865855838d3f9cc | |||||
dct:modified | Modified15 | /01/20242024-09-09T08:54:32 | |||||
dct:publisher | Publisher | foaf:Agent | |||||
dcat:theme | Theme | http://purlpublications.obolibraryeuropa.orgeu/obo/MONDO_0007254, http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C20116resource/authority/data-theme/HEAL | |||||
dct:title | Title | Personalised RISk-based MAmmascreening Study (PRISMA)PRISMA Questionnaire data | |||||
dct:typelicense | TypeLicense | dct:license | License | Not yet availabledua/RUMC-RA-DUA-1.0.html | |||
dcat:Distribution | dcat:accessURL | Access URL | DOI (not yet available) | ||||
dcat:mediaType | Format | ||||||
dcat:title | Title | PRISMA Questionnaire data - CSV format | |||||
dcat:description | Description | The extensive questionnaire covers different topics such as demographics, personal characteristics, reproductive characteristics, medication, lifestyle, health status, family history, psychosocial characteristicsquestionnaire data in CSV format. | |||||
foaf:Agent | foaf:name | name | Radboudumc (Publisher) | ||||
dct:identifier | identifier | https://ror.org/05wg1m734 (Publisher) | |||||
vcard:Kind | vcard:hasEmail | has email | firstname.lastname@radboudumc.nl | ||||
vcard:hasName | has name | J. Doe | |||||
foaf:Agent | foaf:name | name | J. Doe (Creator) | ||||
dct:identifier | identifier | https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 (Creator) |
Here is the same data mapped towards the Health-RI metadata core. It contains the same information, however, now this data is machine readable and is in a format that is common for many places on the web.