Implement a data model (in development)
-A. FAIR in a box: from CDE-in-a-box (Collection of software to create, store and publish CDEs)
YARRML - Linked data generation rules. Specify rules to transform data to linked data (eg. triples)
RML: RFD mapping language
Feed into GraphDB (triple store). Metadata automatically updated when data updates
Exposed to FDP (default, can use templates for controlled input FDP) - covered in next Metroline step
-B. CastorEDC
Build eCRF for data collection (previous step?)
C. ontoText refine: map structured data to a locally stored RDF schema in GraphDB. Chose right predicates and types, define datatype and implement transformations. Integrated in GraphDB workbench.
Load ontology in GraphDB
Connect ontoRefine to graphDB (which has ontology)
Load your data
Transform data to your needs and wished
Connect data variables to ontology manually. Tadaah: RDF
Protege: for ontology
Implement a metadata schema