Build eCRF for data collection (previous step?)
Map fields from eCRF to semantic model (step 7 of de novo) in the 'data transformation application'
eCRF values linked to the ontology concepts used as a machine-readable
representation of the value in the rendered RDF
Entered data automatically converted into RDF in real time (next step) = de novo FAIRification
C. ontoText refine: map structured data to a locally stored RDF schema in GraphDB. Chose right predicates and types, define datatype and implement transformations. Integrated in GraphDB workbench.
Load ontology in GraphDB
Connect ontoRefine to graphDB (which has ontology)
Load your data
Transform data to your needs and wishedwishes
Connect data variables to ontology manually. Tadaah: RDF
Protege: for ontology editor
Implement a metadata schema
-Health-RI FAIR data point (implements Health-ri metadata schema)
with SHACLS HRI schema you can deliver metadata according to HRI schema
automatically transformed to RDF
Step-by-step for Health-RI