YARRML - Linked data generation rules. Specify rules to transform data to linked data (eg. triples)
RML: RFD mapping language
Feed into GraphDB (triple store). Metadata automatically updated when data updates
Exposed to FDP (default, can use templates for controlled input FDP) - covered in next Metroline step
B. CastorEDC
Build eCRF for data collection (previous step?)
Map fields from eCRF to semantic model (step 7 of de novo) in the 'data transformation application'
eCRF values linked to the ontology concepts used as a machine-readable
representation of the value in the rendered RDF
Entered data automatically converted into RDF in real time (next step) = de novo FAIRification
C. ontoText refine: map structured data to a locally stored RDF schema in GraphDB. Chose right predicates and types, define datatype and implement transformations. Integrated in GraphDB workbench.
Implement a metadata schema
-FAIR data point reference implementation (implements DCAT)
-Health-RI FAIR data point (implements Health-ri metadata schema)