Subject Information Sheet (Amsterdam UMC)
Consent for sharing data and bodily material with commercial partiesWe send your data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
In this study, we share also send your data with [name of company or companies]. If you do not want us to share your data with commercial parties, you can indicate this on the consent form.
Informed Consent Form
I do/do not (cross out what does not apply) consent to the sharing of my data/bodily material with commercial companies mentioned in the letter.
3.2 Sharing data with commercial parties
Subject Information Sheet (Amsterdam UMC)
We send your data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
In this study, we also send your coded data and bodily material to countries outside the European Economic Area. These countries do not have the same privacy regulations as those within the EU. However, we strive to protect your privacy as much as possible through proper contracts. On the consent form, we will ask for your separate consent to send your coded data and/or bodily material. If you decide not to provide this consent, you [cannot/can still] participate in the study.
Informed Consent Form
I do/do not (cross out what does not apply) consent to the transfer of my data/bodily material within the scope of this study to [countries within the EEA]/where the European guidelines for the protection of personal data apply. The data/bodily material must then be transferred in coded form and without my name.
coded data and bodily material to countries outside the European Economic Area. These countries do not have the same privacy regulations as those within the EU. However, we strive to protect your privacy as much as possible through proper contracts. On the consent form, we will ask for your separate consent to send your coded data and/or bodily material. If you decide not to provide this consent, you [cannot/can still] participate in the study.
Informed Consent Form
I do/do not (cross out what does not apply) consent to the transfer of my data/bodily material within the scope of this study to [countries within the EEA]/where the European guidelines for the protection of personal data apply. The data/bodily material must then be transferred in coded form and without my name.
I do/do not (cross out what does not apply) consent to the transfer of my data/bodily material within the scope of this study to countries outside the EEA where the European guidelines for the protection of personal data do not apply. The data/bodily material must then be transferred in coded form and without my name.
3.2 Sharing data with commercial parties
Subject Information Sheet (Amsterdam UMC)
Consent for sharing data and bodily material with commercial parties
In this study, we share your data with [name of company or companies]. If you do not want us to share your data with commercial parties, you can indicate this on the consent form.
Informed Consent Form
I do/do not (cross out what does not apply) consent to the transfer sharing of my data/bodily material within the scope of this study to countries outside the EEA where the European guidelines for the protection of personal data do not apply. The data/bodily material must then be transferred in coded form and without my namewith commercial companies mentioned in the letter.
3.3 CBS linkage
The cause of death data must be intended for scientific research in the field of public health and the study must be carried out by a university, university hospital, planning bureau or other institution, as referred to in Art. 41 of the Statistics Netherlands Act.