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The National Health Data Catalogue currently works with a Core Metadata Schema. This Core Metadata Schema is a formal shared conceptualisation of the requirements to find and reuse information across Health-RI nodes via the National Catalogue. It represents a set of minimal elements for describing each resource (including dataset) with common metadata. The current version of the Core Metadata Schema includes DCAT v3, HealthDCAT-AP and some selected DCAT-AP mandatory classes and their definitions. You can find the relation of the Health-RI metadata schema to other application profiles here: Relation of the Health-RI metadata schema to other DCAT application profiles

The set is split into several classes describing the data. At the moment four classes (Dataset, Catalog, Resource, and Agent) are mandatory. Each class is populated by a set of mandatory and recommended variables. You can find all of the descriptions of variables and classes here: Core Metadata Schema Specification


Once your RDF data is ready, you can publish it to FAIR Data Point, where it can be harvested by the Catalogue. More information about this step can be found here: 4B Exposing metadata

Additional resources

Technical details on DCAT AP and FAIR Datapoints - Youtube video, Health-RI

HRI Github - You can find recourses and examples on the Health-RI metadata Github. 

Resources from the EU Open Data Explained, including a general training on metadata and basic and advanced level resourses on DCAT and DCAT-AP.

FAIR Metrolines (note: some pages under developement):

Metroline Step: Register resource level metadata

Metroline Step: Analyse data semantics

Metroline Step: Apply (meta)data model

Metroline Step: Create or reuse a semantic (meta)data model
