Note |
Before entering data into your FDP validate your metadata model by contacting servicedesk@health-ri.nl. If you are directly using RDF format, you can additionally usehttps://www.itb.ec.europa.eu/shacl/healthri/upload |
To login Login to the FDP as an admin.
Alternatively, admin can create a data provider account for another user of the FDP and add them to a pre-existing Catalogue.
Navigate to the users and click on + Create user
Enter the name of the user and email.
Click on Create user.
Navigate to a pre-existing catalogue
Go to settings > users > invite user and search for the user
Set the membership to Data provider
Click on invite.
This user is now allowed to create datasets and distributions in a catalogue.
Create a Catalogue
Navigate to Catalogs and click on +Create
Fill in the information about a catalogue as described in https://github.com/Health-RI/health-ri-metadata?tab=readme-ov-file#catalog
Click on Save. You will be taken to a new catalogue page
Publish the catalogue by clicking on Publish.