📌 Introduction
If you want to set up an automatic tool to export metadata to a FAIR data point but do not know where to start you may consider using SeMPyRO package to prepare data.
SeMPyRO is a pydantic-based Python package aiming to make working with ontologies easier by implementing main DCAT instances as pydantic classes and providing logic to convert instances of those classes to an RDF graph.
🧠 Explanation / Approach
More details on the SeMPyRO package itself can be found in the repository: https://github.com/Health-RI/SeMPyRO/tree/main
You can execute this notebook with your FAIR Data Point instance to get a grasp what metadata preparation and uploading to an FDP may look like and create scripts of your own. Here is a tutorial describing using SeMPyRO for publishing metadata in an FDP Publishing metadata in FDP using SeMPyRO
A running FDP instance