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Short description
`Generating a semantic model is often the most time-consuming step of data FAIRification. However, we expect the modelling effort to diminish as more and more models are made available for reuse over time, especially if such models are treated as FAIR digital objects themselves. Thus, it is important to first check whether a semantic model already exists for the data and the metadata that may be reused. For cases where no semantic model is available a new one needs to be generated.` (Generic)
Semantic modelling makes it possible that your data and metadata are machine-actionable in order to enable secondary use of your data. After performing this step, your data is being represented as FAIR digital objects (FDO). FDOs are digital objects identified by a Globally Unique, Persistent and Resolvable IDentifier (GUPRID) and described by metadata. This enables the transformed FAIR data set to be efficiently incorporated in other systems, analysis workflows, and unforeseen future applications.
Expertise requirements for this step
Experts that may need to be involved, as described in Metroline Step: Build the Team, include:
Domain expert: make sure that the exact meaning of the data is understood by the modeler.
In the BEAT-COVID project, they developed ontological models for data record in collaboration with data collectors, data managers, data analysts and medical doctors [BEAT-COVID paper].
How to
(I) Reusing a semantic (meta)data model
In the BEAT-COVID project, the ontological models were evaluated using competency questions that are based on realistic questions posed by data model users which are proposed as means to verify the scope (e.g.,what is relevant to solve the challenges) and the relationships between concepts (e.g., check for missing or redundant relationships). A preliminary set of CQs from meetings with domain experts is available on Github:
Expertise requirements for this step
Experts that may need to be involved, as described in Metroline Step: Build the Team, include:
Semantic data modelling specialist: creates a new (meta)data model or applies an existing one, ensures that the semantic representation correctly represents the domain knowledge.
Domain expert: make sure that the exact meaning of the data is understood by the modeler.
In the BEAT-COVID project, they developed ontological models for data record in collaboration with data collectors, data managers, data analysts and medical doctors [BEAT-COVID paper].
Practical examples from the community