location: child of Information
Data that will be included in the Health-RI infrastructure needs to meet certain requirements. This will include FAIR related requirements, where FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. FAIR requirements will cover amongst others metadata, accessibility definitions, standards used for the coding of data, license definitions for reuse of data etc. They will be closely related and overlap with technical and ethical requirements
In this section you can find background information on FAIR for a broad audience, but also detailed information on what FAIR data means in the context of the Health-RI data infrastructure and for funders such as ZonMw and KWF.
Further elaboration of this page and children pages will follow in future.
”same as is in hri website?”
”Sitemap”/table of contents/etc (aligned w other communication pages our team has/ avoid different wording):
Making data FAIR
portfolio demonstrators/champions
Metadata Core page [add link]
specific (FAIR) requirements for onboarding into the national Health-RI infrastructure
FAIRification process / FAIRification workflow: steps you need to take in order to meet a certain FAIRification goal
Phase 1…
Step 1 FAIRification objectives:
Step 2
Phase 2…
Training and Capacity Building
an overview of FAIR related training and capacity building.
FAIR advocacy
FAIR data in funded health research projects: FAIR related services emphasized by ZonMw and KWF