Short Description
Isn’t this part of the “Create or reuse a semantic (meta)data model” step?
Skipping for now…
This step aims at assigning machine-readable terms from existing ontologies to metadata and CDEs. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) should be used to identify and refer to each term without ambiguity.
Domain ontologies are used to describe data that is specific to a particular domain. For example, use ncit:sex from National Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT) to describe the “sex” data element, and ncit:male to describe the “male” value of “sex” element.
The deliverable should be documented bindings of appropriate terms to metadata and data elements so that their semantics can be expressed in a machine-readable fashion.
Why is this step important
This section should explain why this step is crucial
How to
This section should help complete the step. It’s crucial that this is practical, doable and scalable.
Depending on the type of step, this can, for example, be a reference to one or more (doable) recipes, or perhaps some form of checklist? The recipes/best-practices presented should be based on experts from the field.
This should probably be a subpage so as not to have too much text on this page.
References, if relevant, to FAIRCookbook, RDMKit, GOFAIR?
Sub headers if relevant for specific domains?
Expertise requirements for this step
This section could describe the expertise required. Perhaps the Build Your Team step could then be an aggregation of all the “Expertise requirements for this step” steps that someone needs to fulfil his/her FAIRification goals.
Practical Examples from the Community
This section should show the step applied in a real project. Links to demonstrator projects.
Add links to training resources relevant for this step. Since the training aspect is still under development, currently many steps have “Relevant training will be added in the future if available.”