"Health-RI data" wiki


status: in development

(English below)

Op deze wiki paginas vind je informatie over de activiteiten van het “Health-RI data team”. Dit omvat met name informatie en handleidingen voor het FAIR maken van data (de Metroline) en voor het “onboarden” van (metadata) in de Nationale gezondeheidsdatacatalogus.

In these wiki pages you find information on the activities within the “Health-RI data team”. This includes information and guidelines on making data FAIR (the Metrolline) and how to onboard (meta)data into the National Health data catalogue.


“The data team works in close collaboration with other teams within the hub and together with the regional nodes to come to tangible solutions for sharing and reusing data”


Q: How do I get access to the Health-RI Teams environment? 

A: Send an email to fairservice@health-ri.nl. Mention “Health-RI Teams access” in the subject and indicate why you need access.