Relation of the Health-RI metadata schema to other DCAT application profiles

Relation of the Health-RI metadata schema to other DCAT application profiles



In the next phase of determining the metadata schema for the National Health Data Catalogue, we will implement two DCAT application profiles, DCAT-AP NL and HealthDCAT-AP. Both are extensions of DCAT-AP v3, the generic application profile of DCAT developed in the EU for EU data portals.


The first, DCAT-AP NL, is developed in the Netherlands by Geonovum, in collaboration with the RIVM, CBS, Kadaster, Digitaal erfgoed, Rijkswaterstaat and Health-RI. The application profile allows sharing of metadata between Dutch data portals. By implementing DCAT-AP NL into the Health-RI metadata schema, metadata in the National Health Data Catalogue will eventually be findable in other Dutch data portals.

See for the latest version of the application profile: DCAT-AP-NL 3.0


The HealthDCAT-AP profile is being developed in the EU in the context of the EHDS (European health data space). Among other things, it introduces several health-related properties in the description of Datasets. Implementing HealthDCAT-AP in the Health-RI metadata schema will allow sharing of metadata with other EU health data portals, as envisioned by the EHDS.

See for the draft version of the application profile: HealthDCAT-AP

Relation of DCAT-AP NL and HealthDCAT-AP

The schema below sketches the relationships of the different DCAT application profiles to each other, developed at different levels (EU or nationally).


Schematic depicting the relationships of different DCAT application profiles to the Health-RI metadata schema, currently modelled for plateau 2. Inspired by schematic by Geonovum.


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