Changes wiki version 4.0

Health-RI wiki v4.0 -> consultatie (open tot 03-12-2024)

Changes wiki version 4.0

This article contains an overview of what has changed in this version compared to the wiki 3.0

Change overview

Completely adjusted for the new consultation round

Obstacle removal trajectory

Broken links to underlying articles corrected.
Underlying articles have been moved to Functional components


Links at R02 (EHDS) and R09 (WzL) adjusted.


There are a number of new concepts and modified concepts:

The new concepts are:

  • FAIRification

  • Making data comply with FAIR principles

  • Making data FAIR

The modified concepts are:

  • Central analysis processing environment adjusted to Secure processing environment

  • Catalog: replace researcher with user

  • Data dictionary: description modified

  • Medical Research Ethics Committee: term and description modified

  • Health Data Access Body: description modified

FAQ open consultation rounds

List of names of contributors removed.

Presentations open consultation rounds

Paragraph with links to page with introductory videos for consultation wiki v4.0 added


Public communication paragraph rewritten.
First two paragraphs in Glossary paragraph adjusted

Principle 1 to 5 under Acceptance

Last paragraph deleted (regarding the consultation with the OVT community)

Law and regulations

Paragraph on EHDS added
Link to underlying article added


Image adjusted
Central analysis processing environment adjusted to Secure processing environment


Central analysis processing environment adjusted to Secure processing environment.
Minor syntactic adjustments: commas and periods.

Main storyline research, policy and innovation

Context images moved to new article
Image with research phases added
Info panel supplemented.
Phase 1 and 2 largely rewritten.

Storyline: search data in metadata

This storyline has been rewritten (business objects have been added) and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Storyline: request data

This storyline has been rewritten (business objects have been added) and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Storyline: grant access to data

Status changed from in development to for review.
Comments block expanded
Step 9 added in process model
Postcondition added
Minor syntax errors corrected and links to other articles added

Storyline: central analysis

This storyline has been tightened up in many areas and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Storyline: federated analysis

Image process diagram adjusted

Work processes

Reference added to Health-RI services

Metadata onboarding in the National Health Data Catalogue

This article has been tightened in many areas and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Preferred standards

Column type standard further filled in

Persistent identifiers

Broken link fixed

Application/IT infrastructure

Diagram adjusted

Functional components

This article was removed in version 3.0 and has been restored in this version. The underlying articles were in version 3.0 under the ORT article.

Functional components: tasks and responsibilities

Text in the second information block adjusted: neutral territory added

Data exchange platform

This article has been tightened in many areas and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Requirements for data exchange platform

This article has been tightened in many areas and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Secure processing environment

This article has been tightened in many areas and needs to be reviewed again in its entirety.

Requirements for a secure processing environment

This article has been tightened up on many points and needs to be reviewed in its entirety.

Img2Catalog: automatically register image collections

Link to catalogue adjusted

Generic functions

Link to an initiative of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport added.

Identification and Authentication Service

The chapter Expected setup per user group has been largely rewritten.
The name of this function has been changed

Generic function (general)

Where the name of a generic function was described with the word 'service', the word 'service' has been removed. A service is more applicable to a facility than to a function.



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