Health-RI wiki v4.0 -> consultatie (open tot 03-12-2024)


This article provides an overview of the registries in the Health-RI ecosystem.

A registry is a record of data on a topic that is considered the primary source of that information within the Health-RI ecosystem. We recognize basic registries (such as Basisregister Personen), sectoral registries (such as LRZa and SURF-RAM), professional registries (such as BIG), patient registrations (such as the ZonMw registrations) and quality registrations (such as the HIPEC registration).

Registries may contain information on the following subjects:

  • Organizations

  • Natural persons

  • Care

  • Research

  • Objects

  • Data

A national control registry for consent is further explored in solution 4 of the Obstacle Removal Trajectory.


The organizations that participate in the Health-RI ecosystem must be able to recognize each other and must be able to rely on each other's identity and other characteristics. The following registries contain characteristics of organizations that can be used for this purpose.



Application Health-RI



Application Health-RI

Landelijk Register Zorgaanbieders (LRZa):

A registration of all healthcare providers in the Netherlands



Based on the information from the LRZa, an organization can verifiably demonstrate that it is a healthcare organization.

The LRZa can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions identification and authentication.

Zorg AB

Reliable and up-to-date source with all detailed (digital) address details of healthcare providers and care providers in the Netherlands, to be able to connect computers and applications.

Connecting applications.

SURF Research Access Management (SRAM)

SURF Research Access Management (SRAM) offers 'Authentication and Authorization as a Service' for researchers and research support staff in the Netherlands

Note: Not all knowledge institutions are affiliated; for example, Top Clinical Hospitals (STZ) that also conduct research are not connected to this.

The Health-RI Foundation therefore calls on the Ministry of the Interior to come up with a cross-domain solution for roles and attributes for Identification, Authentication and Authorization.

SURF Research Access Management (SRAM) offers 'Authentication and Authorization as a Service' for researchers and research support staff. It controls secure access and uses institutional accounts wherever possible. It can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions of identification and authentication and authorization.



Registration of all healthcare providers in the Netherlands

Based on the information from the UZI register, an organization can verifiably demonstrate that it is a healthcare organization.

The UZI register can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions of identification and authentication.

<<addition with more registers welcome>>




Participants in the Health-RI ecosystem must be able to recognize the end users of the Health-RI ecosystem and must be able to rely on the identity and other characteristics of the end users. The following registers contain characteristics of natural persons that can be used for this purpose.



Application Health-RI



Application Health-RI


A registration of residents of the Netherlands (residents) and of persons (non-residents) who have left the Netherlands or who have lived in the Netherlands for less than 4 months.

Based on the information from the BRP, a natural person can identify himself and verifiably demonstrate that he or she has a certain social security number.

This is necessary when a natural person wants to manage preferences regarding control (consent) or wants to see in which ways data about her/him has been used in the Health-RI ecosystem.

The BRP can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions identification and authentication.


Registration of all healthcare workers in the Netherlands

Dezi stands for the healthcare identity. The Dezi register will become part of the new login system for healthcare and will eventually replace the UZI.



ORCID is a free, unique, permanent identifier (PID) that individuals can use in their research, scholarships, and innovation activities.

Disclaimer: it is not yet clear whether ORCID can be used to fully and/or (with sufficient certainty) verify an individual.

Based on information from ORCID, it may be possible to determine whether a natural person is a researcher.

ORCID can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic Identification and authentication function.

SURF To be determined

A registration of all researchers in the Netherlands

Disclaimer: SURF does not (yet) have a register of researchers. SURF is listed here as a placeholder.

Based on the information from the SURF NTB, a natural person can verifiably prove to be a researcher.

SURF NTB can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions identification and authentication.


A registration of all healthcare providers


Based on the information from the LRZa, a natural person can verifiably prove to be a healthcare provider.

The UZI register can be used as an authentic source of attributes for the generic functions of identification and authentication.

<<addition with more registers welcome>>



Care pathways

Participants in the Health-RI ecosystem need reliable information about care trajectories. The following registers contain characteristics of care pathways.



Application Health-RI



Application Health-RI

ZonMW Patient registrations

A patient registration consists of data about the treatment of patients from daily clinical practice and the outcomes of this treatment. ZonMw Patient Registrations is a registration of patient registrations funded by ZonMw.

Based on the information from the ZonMw Patient Registrations, a researcher can start a process to reuse the data included in the patient registrations.





Research projects

The Research data request service provides the Generic feature, which administers data research requests. This function will be further elaborated in subsequent versions.




Application Health-RI



Application Health-RI


European registration of rare diseases



This function will be further elaborated in subsequent versions.