what is local system
(local system, implementation, castor, molgenis, etc)
The option to expose your metadata from an institute local system, available in your institute, allows for the closest link between the source data and the public metadata. The responsibility for maintaining the metadata is kept at the source, be it software or people.
This approach requires a system that already incorporates this behaviour, or deep knowledge of the source system and the availability of software engineering capacity to extend the functionality of the system.
The platforms/systems used in your institute should allow extensions to expose the metadata of existing source data. If the system is closed or the vendor is not able to add this behaviour, an alternative approach could be the https://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FSD/pages/edit-v2/292519963?draftShareId=3e2fb8f1-0cba-4f12-a724-d664f2b9bf2c.
Reference the MOLGENIS implementation of the FDP extension.
Responsibility of maintenance lies closest to the owner(s) of the source material
Requires extension of existing tooling
Next steps
copy/link to https://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FSD/pages/279183386/3.+Exposing+metadata#%3Acheck_mark%3A--Next-steps