How do you make data FAIR? Which steps are involved, what do these steps mean and, importantly, how do you do these steps? The Metroline aims to help answer these questions.
The Metroline, shown in the image below, is an overview of FAIR steps used by a variety of publications and projects. By properly describing these steps and adding how-tos, the steps can be used to help researchers and data stewards to make data FAIR and ready for onboarding in the National Catalogue.
As can be seen, the Metroline contains many steps. Depending on your project and goals only a select number of steps will be relevant. Thus, each project aiming for more FAIR data will find relevance in multiple steps and will have its own metroline:
We will start out by attempting to decrease the number of steps by, for example, merging steps. Next, we intend to start adding details to steps that are relevant to scenario’s. See for example: xyz. Using this approach we ensure focus is on steps that are relevant right now.
We are also developing FAIR services together with funders, to incorporate FAIR into projects from the start.
Further reading: