CEDAR will not be used (discussed 24-10-2023)
Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) could maybe be used (Suggestion Rob Hooft)
Current thoughts about approach
In my opinion it would currently make sense to have two main solutions (very drafty). I called them Basic and Advanced Track to stick to the Metroline analogy
Basic Track - A CEDAR / DSW type solution
Most researchers will probably want to have a solution takes little effort, but does meet the requirements imposed by employers, funders, etc.
Health-RI provides easy to use forms with mandatory and optional fields as required by (initially) the core metadata schema and (later) extended metadata schemas
Forms must have guidance to help researchers properly fill in the necessary data. Guidance could e.g. be (sections of) metroline pages
Output should be something suitable for a FAIR Datapoint
It would be even nicer if you could provide it to an FDP directly as an export option
E.g. You’re an Amsterdam UMC researcher it could suggest a specific FDP
Advanced Track - A manual solution
The Basic Track does not meet your demands or you just prefer to do it manually
Health-RI provides guidance (recipes, perhaps scripts/software if it makes sense)
The process should be able to start with nothing and end with having reached your goals
Core can probably have a follow-along example; for extended maybe pick one for follow-along example
Custom stuff should have clear guidance where possible with also recipes for domain specific problems.
If custom things can be generalised to apply to e.g. more domains, that would be better
Also, it may be useful to keep track of custom items? If lots of projects add the same custom item, it could be useful to add it to a new version of core.
Basic Scenarios - Data Discovery and Search
Basic Track
Note: DSW could be another tool.
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using DSW - Core
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using DSW - Core + Extension
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using DSW - Core + Extension + Custom
Not applicable: custom does not seem realistic in a DSW approach as HRI would need to create new forms for every project with custom items
Advanced Track
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using Manual approach - Core
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using Manual approach - Core + Extension
Make Simple Dataset Discoverable & Searchable using Manual approach - Core + Extension + Custom
These scenarios are probably way too big for being contained in a single scenario (especially in the Advanced Track). Potentially the current titles will become chapters with each containing multiple scenarios. TBD.
Q: how does https://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FSD/pages/107806721/Data+onboarding+on+the+national+catalogue#3.-How-to-onboard-your-information-to-the-catalogue%3F 3a, 3b and 3c affect the scenarios?