Application / IT-infrastructure
This article describes the application layer and IT infrastructure layer of the architecture.
In this layer, we identify the application components needed for the realization of the Health-RI ecosystem.
Application overview
The model below shows the application components identified during the development of the storylines at process level. The application functions page shows a decomposition of each application component into application functions. These functions must be realized by the described application components, to meet the various use cases within the Health-RI ecosystem. In this version of the architecture, not all application components are described on the application functions page elaborated in the collaboration diagrams.
Below this article are the following articles:
Functional components: tasks and responsibilities. An overview at which level the implementation and use of application components can be completed.
Application functions: an overview of which application components perform which application functions
Application components: more detailed overview of individual application components and examples of concrete application products that fulfill the functions of an application component.
Generic features: an overview of the generic features provided in the Health-RI ecosystem