Requirements for the National Healthdata Catalogue
This article lists the requirements for the National Healthdata catalogue
Search functionality
Search by name, filtering on basic properties of the dataset.
It is possible to
search on free text
search on standardized metadata properties
search the data catalogue utilizing ontology-based search using a hierarchical structure, such as SNOMED CT
to allow for more efficient and accurate searches. This includes the ability to search for a concept and retrieve all its descendants in the hierarchy without needing to know every possible variant or term. This will enable users to easily retrieve all relevant information related to a concept, improving the overall usability and accessibility of the data catalogue.
The search will return a list of datasets that match the search.
Request functionality
The ability to select one or more datasets and place the selection in a shopping basket to be able to initiate/start a request of these datasets (in a loosely coupled request workflow module)
Data catalogue management
Administrative access to the data catalogue that unlocks functionality to monitor and manage the service. This includes management of the metadata, management of metadata templates, management of search indices and search engine optimization (SEO).
Data catalogue usage dashboard
Administrative dashboard to show usage statistics, including search statistics
Data holder dashboard
A dashboard that provides the data holder insights and management tools. The dashboard allows the data holder to monitor how their datasets are performing in the search; to manage the metadata of the datasets; and access to requests for access to their datasets.
User dashboard
The user dashboard provides a user access to their searches and requests for access to datasets.
Metadata management service
The ability to manage metadata for a dataset, version management, use of metadata templates. Import and export of metadata. Support for DCAT and FAIR data points.
Authentication, Authorisation, and Identity Service
Support for AAI services such as eIDAS, SURF SRAM and LS-AAI. OpenID Connect / SAML. The management of users and permissions.
In addition to the functionalities and requirements listed in the above, the solution should also support the following:
A proven in-, and exit-strategy to make it product / vendor neutral
Communication with other catalogue systems / federated environment, for instance in the regional nodes and support for DCAT and FAIR Data Points
Hosting on different platforms
Customisation of your solution to fit in with the Health-RI website and UX/UI, including adaptation to accessibility standards
Search functionality in your software and customisation of the search function
Good maintenance and coding practices such as:
Follow SOLID principles
Clean code
Well documented
Test cases: unit test and integration tests, having a high branch test coverage (over 80%).
A language that is widely supported by the develop community, because of its open-source character
Multi instance support
Federation of catalogues
Load balancing
Adequate logging, at least:
Track exceptions
Track User, Session, and events
Track User flows
Processes for handling security incidents (e.g., ISO 27000 series certification)
Proven security through OWASP Vulnerability Scan or ISO 27000 series certifications
Service level offered for the product.