


On this page, you can find frequently asked questions regarding the onboarding process. Missing a question? Reach out to our Health-RI Servicedesk | Health-RI via servicedesk@health-ri.nl.

General questions 


The onboarding process consists of multiple steps to add your metadata to the National Health Data Catalog that depend on the current infrastructure at your institute. At its core, the data provider/holder needs to map their metadata to the HRI metadata standard and expose the metadata to the National Health Data Catalogue.

You can learn all about the process here and direct further question servicedesk@health-ri.nl with “Onboarding” in the subject.  

The National Health Data Catalogue aims to make Dutch life science and healthcare data findable, accessible, reusable, and interoperable (FAIR) while being compliant the larger EU vision for sharing of data as part of European Health Data Space (EHDS).  

 Yes. Ideally, the implementation of the onboarding process connects to a larger infrastructure of your institution. This way the adding of multiple datasets or whole catalogues/repositories simultaneously to optimize the time needed to onboard. If you are unsure whether your institute or organization is already implementing an onboarding solution please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl with “Onboarding” in the subject.  

Generally, there are two “expert” steps needed for the onboarding: FDP implementation and metadata mapping. The FDP implementation can be done by a person with basic IT knowledge such as an IT department and the metadata mapping by a person with basic knowledge of metadata such as a Data steward.  

If this expertise is not available, Health-RI can help with some support, depending on the situation. We encourage institutes to combine the onboarding with other departments or organisations. In some cases, it might also be possible to use an existing solution in the same regional node. If you would like to discuss this option, please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl with “Onboarding” in the subject. 

From the onboarding perspective data holder/provider is an individual or institution authorized to share (meta)data with the National Health Data Catalogue and enable secondary use of data.  


Metadata and FDPs 







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