Imaging working group

Imaging working group

This article contains the profile of the Imaging working group. The Imaging profile contains the specific agreements that apply to the Imaging data category.





Profile metadata

2023-08-11 Versie 0.0.1



The scope of this profile now concerns radiology/radiotherapy (DICOM):

  • (Radiological) images from care in PACS

  • Images and derivatives in a research setting in PACS, research PACS or regular data storage

Not considered for this version are: nuclear images, pathological images, ophthalmology, stereolithography, video images, microscopy, etc.

Organizational policy

Roles and actors

The article roles describes the generic roles within the Health-RI ecosystem. Within Imaging there are specific specifications for the following roles.

Data producer:

  • Principal investigator (In case of Research data, with METC approval) 

  • Data responsible person: Department Head or Research Data Management (in case of retrospective use of healthcare data) 

  • Maybe this should be data controller, person responsible for data production. 

Data preparator:

  • Principal Investigator (e.g. PhD students, postdoc, research software engineer) 

  • Data and domain specialist (e.g. Radiologists, Fellows, technicians/laboranten) 

  • Data manager (quality control, pseudonymisation, e.g. Imaging Trial Office) 


  • Data manager (e.g. Imaging Trial Office, Consortium data manager, but is not always there) 

  • Principal Investigator (e.g. PhD students, posdoc, research software engineer) 

Local review committee data providing may include (dependent on the organisation):

  • Medical Ethics Committee: first approval for data collection/set-up study, only if in research setting generated data. 

  • Data Protection Officer 

  • Data responsible person: Department Head or Research Data Management (Local DCC, at Amsterdam UMC). 

  • Additional people in case of consortium 

Data governance committee:

  • the Health-RI Imaging working group for national imaging data


Application / IT-infrastructure

Ways of data exchange

Various delivery processes are possible for imaging data. The options are:

  1. Give someone access to persistent data platform for downloading (Pull option / central)

  2. Give federated data node (PHT local station) access to local persistent data platform (pull option / federated)

  3. Enter data into DRE (or e.g. central XNAT) (push option / central)

  4. Send data to federated node (push option / federated)

  5. Send data to the recipient via a data exchange platform (e.g. WeTransfer, SURFdrive, SharePoint).


Within imaging, there is a close link at the persistent data layer between the imaging data and the tooling to view and analyze the imaging data and annotate it.

Imaging data research platforms include:

  • local XNAT (alleen DICOM)

  • staging area of grand-challenge (AWS)

  • local Flywheel (commerciele versie van XNAT)

  • Conquest

  • Orthanc

  • network drive with a certain structure in combination with data manager and set of scripts/guidelines to enforce that structure

  • any other "research-PACS system

  • Hyland VNA

  • Philips system (e/MTIC)

  • Microsoft Azure Datalake

  • Google Health api

  • AWS Health lake

See also Storyline: Making imaging data available


When transferred to the persistent data layer, the DICOM files are pseudonymised: directly identifiable fields from the DICOM header are removed and replaced by another ID.