Addressing service
The addressing service is a generic function that is used in both the primary and secondary processes. The interpretation below is based on that of the Twiin set of agreements and will be supplemented later if necessary.
The addressing service provides an overview of which parties participate in which functions and where they can be found. With the generic addressing function, a participant in the Health-RI ecosystem finds and uses the correct address. Participants can find infrastructure-independent information about how these should be addressed.
Required functionality
Finding a technical address (endpoint)
Search by name, location, specialty
Selecting the right healthcare provider / specialty / location / healthcare provider
Finding the offer of electronic service
Search for a target system
Positioning addressing facility
No patient data
No location of patients (separate service, location facility))
Do: Uniform list of healthcare providers
Do: Current information from healthcare providers
Do: Current configuration data from healthcare providers
Do: Link identifications of healthcare providers / healthcare providers
Use of international standards for addressing: IHE-HPD (Health Care Provider Directory) IHE-HPD profile
All participants in the Health-RI ecosystem are known in the addressing facility.
The resources used by the addressing facility must be properly managed
Possible suppliers
Zorgadresboek for healthcare providers
For non-healthcare organizations, further investigation must be conducted into which suppliers are active in this field.