Health-RI wiki v4.0 -> consultatie (open tot 03-12-2024)

Data is made FAIR as close to the source as possible, for multiple use.

Data is made FAIR as close to the source as possible, for multiple use.  

By making data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), it is ensured that the data is easily findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable for different users and applications. 

By making data FAIR as early as possible in the process, additional processing and interpretation risks are avoided later in the process. It means that the data is structured, encoded and metadata from the very beginning, with the knowledge of the data obtained, , by the people who have the knowledge about the collection process. This makes it easier to manage, analyze and interpret the data. Correcting and/or supplementing the data later to comply with the FAIR principles takes more effort and is often at the expense of quality.

With this agreement, Health-RI demonstrates its commitment to an efficient, sustainable and well-functioning infrastructure. Health data is made available in a standardized and interoperable manner, so that the value and potential of health data can be optimally used for various users and purposes.