Publishing metadata in FDP using SeMPyRO
This guide will describe the process of publishing an example metadata set using SeMPyRO to a FAIR Data Point. The Publishing metadata in FDP using SeMPyRO | Video guide will show the process from beginning to end, while the Publishing metadata in FDP using SeMPyRO | Step by step guide will highlight key steps in the process.
Video guide
The video below will run through the process of creating and publising metadata using SeMPyRO. The prerequisites for the environment demonstrated in the video are described in the Publishing metadata in FDP using SeMPyRO | Setup below.
Step-by-step guide
Stepping through the prerequisites and running the notebook to publish metadata.
This guide assumes a (local) FDP is installed, configured with the v1.0.0
shapes (available at health-ri-metadata/Formalisation(shacl)/Core/PiecesShape at v1.0.0 · Health-RI/health-ri-metadata).
The jupyter notebook from the SeMPyRO repository runs the steps to create and publish core metadata, specifically using the SeMPyRO/docs/Usage_example_FDP_HealthRI_core.ipynb at main · Health-RI/SeMPyRO notebook.
You can run the notebook in your preferred way. As an example, you can run the notebook using Hatch - Hatch:
Clone the SeMPyRO repository
Navigate to the docs folder
Use hatch to run the notebook:
hatch run docs:jupyter lab
Navigate to
Executing the notebook
Stepping through the cells in the notebook, some cells will print output (like urls/identifiers of metadata published) or require user input. The cells of note are addressed below.
Cell [2]
asks for input on the FDP address. In the example steps, the local FDP on the default port is used, so the value entered is http://localhost/
Cell [3]
asks for input on the FDP username. The default admin
user on the local FDP is used, so the value entered is
Cell [4]
asks for input on the FDP password. The default admin
user credentials are used.
Cell [5]
publishes the catalog defined in cell [2]
to the local FDP. When successful, the notebook prints the address of the newly created catalog.
The notebook prints an underlying urllib3 warning about the SSL libraries being used. Usually this warning can be ignored.
When the FDP landing page is refreshed, the catalog should now be visible.
Navigating to the catalog, it should display the catalog’s metadata. Note the dataset is still empty.
Cell [7]
publishes the dataset defined in cell [6]
. When succesul, the notebook prints the address of the newly created dataset.
When the catalog is refreshed, the dataset should now be visible.
Navigating to the dataset, it should display the dataset’s metadata. Note the distribution is still empty.
cell [9]
publishes the distribution defined in cell [8]
. When successful, the notebook prints the address of the newly created distribution.
When the dataset is refreshed, the distribution should now be visible.
Navigating to the distribution, it should display the distribution’s metadata.