1.c Central FDP

The test version is currently available, the production version will be available soon.


If you're unable to implement any of the previously suggested methods to set up your own FAIR Data Point, you have the option to utilize the national FDP managed by Health-RI directly.

With this option, your data is furthest removed from the source, so if possible, we recommend setting up your own FDP.

Explanation / Approach

In order to connect to the Central FDP, you will need:

  • an account on FAIR Data Point,

  • a write access (“data provider” role) for specific catalogs, if you’re a regular user.

To add your metadata to the Central FDP, you can either export it automatically (see 2.a Automate export from your local system) or enter it manually. If you choose to enter your data manually, you will also need to manually update it.

To get the necessary permissions or if you’re stuck at any of the steps, please contact our service desk.

Pros / Cons


  • Dataset owner doesn’t need to setup and maintain the FAIR Data Point


  • The central FDP needs to support various metadata schemas,

  • Metadata needs to be maintained.

Next steps

If you have an FDP and compliant metadata (https://health-ri.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=FSD&title=2.%20Metadata%20mapping&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=293502987)within your FDP, the data can be harvested by the National Catalogue. For this step, please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl .