Business objects

Health-RI wiki v4.0 -> consultatie (open tot 03-12-2024)

Business objects

This article contains an initial overview of the business objects of the Health-RI ecosystem. If it is determined that this article contains sufficient added value, it will be expanded in subsequent versions of the wiki.

The purpose of naming business objects is to clarify storylines. Within that purpose - and only for that purpose - the business objects are recorded. Business objects that do not clarify the storyline will be omitted from that storyline, or will be taken to another level of abstraction: this level of abstraction often means that some business objects are combined to a suitable level at which the storyline is told, sometimes also that a business object is split into separately named objects to make visible distinctions between different stages of approximately the same object. For examples, see the Storyline: Generating research data .


Definition: a business object is a passive element that has relevance from a business perspective.

See also the definitions from HORA2 and GEMMA (a closer description) of what a business object is:

The business objects below are derived from the process storylines based on the following assessment criteria:

  • It is a passive element

  • In an ERD you would have an entity with the name of the business object: A business object can therefore be identified with an ID (business key)

  • A business object is described in the form of a noun (singular)

Criterion 1 (passive element) can be explained in several ways. A business object can be either an active or passive element. A user, for example, is generally an actor who is actively involved in business processes. But if there is a user administration, then the user in that context is a passive element and therefore a business object.

For each business object it is described what it is, what attributes the business object contains and what the life cycle of the business object is. In addition, the relationship with other business objects or storylines is described.

Business objects:


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