2. Data entry into an FDP
After implementing and FDP in 1.b FDP reference implementation you now need to enter the data into the system. In this page we outline the steps for this.
Import the model into the FPD
Firstly, you need to provide the model you will be using to the FDP. To do this, you can follow this tutorial: Importing shacl files in the FDP - Front end
Import the data into the FDP
After the correct model in available in the FDP you can provide your data. Ideally this can be an automated process using a script from the source of your metadata to the FDP. For this see 2.a Automate export from your local system an example using XNAT (image2catalog) and python 2.b Example python code to upload metadata to FDP (SeMPyRO package)
Alternatively, the data can be entered manually. Here is the process for the manual metadata entry.
Manual data entry
Before entering data into your FDP validate your metadata model by contacting servicedesk@health-ri.nl. If you are directly using RDF format, you can additionally useHealth-RI RDF Validator
Login to the FDP as an admin.
Alternatively, admin can create a data provider account for another user of the FDP and add them to a pre-existing Catalogue.
Navigate to the users and click on + Create user
Enter the name of the user and email.
Click on Create user.
Navigate to a pre-existing catalogue
Go to settings > users > invite user and search for the user
Set the membership to Data provider
Click on invite.
This user is now allowed to create datasets and distributions in a catalogue.
Create a Catalogue
Navigate to Catalogs and click on +Create
Fill in the information about a catalogue as described in GitHub - Health-RI/health-ri-metadata: health ri metadata schemas
Click on Save. You will be taken to a new catalogue page
Publish the catalogue by clicking on Publish.
Create a Dataset
To create a dataset click on +Create button. A new page will open where you can enter you metadata.
After filling your metadata click on Save on the bottom of the page. You will then be redirected to the dataset page.
Saving process can take up to a minute
To publish the dataset click on “Publish” on the top right of the page. A dialog will pop up requiring to confirm the action.
Create a distribution
To create a distribution of your dataset click on +Create in the top right corner. You can then fill out your metadata in the form.
After filling your metadata click on Save on the bottom of the page. You will then be redirected to the distribution page.
Saving process can take up to a minute
To publish the distribution click on “Publish” on the top right of the page. A dialog will pop up requiring to confirm the action.
You can repeat this process for multiple datasets and/or multiple distributions.
After entering your data, please check that the data is appears as expected in the FDP.
If data appear correctly, please contact servicedesk@health-ri.nl to begin 5. Metadata harvesting.
Next steps
If you have an FDP and compliant metadata (4A Metadata mapping ) within your FDP, the data can be harvested by the National Catalogue. For this step see 5. Metadata harvesting .
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