Examples step 4

Examples step 4

Conceptual model example Imaging working group

In the figure below you’ll find a UML-diagram of a concept conceptual model from the imaging working group. Each blue block denotes a class and comprises a list of its attributes (properties). It shows that the model extends the Health-RI metadata schema from the Dataset-class.

If a class is connected to another class by a closed arrow, it indicates that it inherits all properties from the other class. If a class is connected to another class by an open arrow, it represents a relation and should contain the type of relation and cardinality.

Because the example is from a conceptual model in development, it still may change, properties for some classes may be added, and the relation dcat:Dataset - ImagingSessionProtocol and the relation skos:BodyPartScheme - ScanProtocol should still be defined.

Example of a conceptual model (in development) from the Imaging working group.

Modeling process example Omics working group

The ISA-model is a metadata framework to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments that employ one or a combination of technologies. It is built around the Investigation (the project context), Study (a unit of research) and Assay (analytical measurements) concepts. The Omics working group took this model as a basis to evaluate how it matches the Health-RI core metadata schema and what additional omics-specific metadata properties and/or classes are remaining.

Example of a proposed mapping between the ISA-model, relevant for Omics, and the generic Health-RI metadata schema.