Health-RI wiki v4.0 -> consultatie (open tot 03-12-2024)
Change overview wiki 4.0
This article is a help for those who also participated in the version 3.0 consultation. This article contains an overview of changes for the articles in wiki version 4.0 compared to version 3.0.
For each article is indicated
whether it is new or removed (column N/R)
+ =New
- = Removed
whether there are major or important changes (column C) compared to the wiki version 3.0. Column C contains values 0 to 4.
Value 0 means there are no adjustments
Value 1 means there are no significant adjustments (only periods, commas, adjusted general terms)
Value 2 means there are slight adjustments
Value 4 means that there are so many or so serious changes that the entire article needs to be re-reviewed.
The St (status) column indicates whether an article is for review, under development or adopted in a previous version
R = for review
D = under development
A = adopted
The 'Ref' column contains a link to a further specification of the adjustments.